The hottest way out of fossil energies
Horror stories all over the media: Heat waves, flooding, droughts.
Fossil fuels are one of the huge sinners of climate change. The sun might be our savior.
We were surprised at how little people knew about solar energy, so we went out to change that.
Here’s what we found out.
First of all, people agree that solar energy is eco friendly.
Poland has a long way to go in renewable energies.
But since the energy crisis Poland is improving - especially in solar energy.
One project that was launched in 2022 is a good example of how efficient solar farms can be: Tarczyński Arena in Wrocław.
Marcin Janiszewski is the Spokeman of the Stadium´s company.
In real time Marcin can check how much electricity is produced by the panels.
Solar energy could help save the environment. But something else is important to consider - money.
Are solar panels cost efficient?
People seem to think that installing solar panels is too expensive.
At Wroclaw stadium, that is not the case.
Solar panels are not just cost efficient at Wroclaw Stadium.
According to Stepan Kushnir solar energy is cost efficient after a short period of time.
We have to change our behaviour to save our planet, but let’s face it; we will only succeed if the green alternatives are cost efficient. Even though solar panels might seem like an expensive investment now they will pay off in a few years - especially considering the current energy crisis.
In order to increase the amount of solar panels we need governmental action.
But apart from a few pilot projects, the government gets insufficient grades.
It seems easy: governmental actions lead to cost efficiency and cost efficiency to more solar energy.
Or in the words of spokesman Marcin Janiszewski: